Garden Disco

Rendering & 3D Sculpting

James Garcia
Project Type
Rendering & 3D Sculpting
Project Year

Blender rendering and lighting exploration.

In attempting to better understand 3D animation and rendering, I sought out to explore different avenues within the Blender software, in order to gain a deeper understanding of how 3D object and animations are created and manipulated. In this study, I began by practicing building out simple particle systems that would simulate blades of grass. This was done by creating a handful of individual low-poly grass blades, and then using them as "particles" that could be applied to varying degrees of intensity to any object I assigned them to. I then created a 2D plane, inflated it to be 3D, and began the process of drawing out a UV map that would indicate where these particles would be emulated. Finally, I assigned the particle system to the 3D plane, and began tweaking the parameters of each object in order to get the desired results.
A similar process was used when creating the bundles of tree leaves, but instead of mapping low-poly blades of grass to a plane, I mapped low-poly leaves to a 3D sphere. The rest of the objects are simple low-poly creations made using the standard blender tools such as transform, rotate, scale, etc. All colors and textures were created using my own node trees [no BlenderKit]. All projects rendered in Cycles.

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